神符奇技Ansuz是一家丹麦的高端HIFI配件品牌,它的品牌口号是“High-end Accessories for HIFI equipment.专为HIFI器材生产高端配件。”神符科技的
产品包括:高端HIFI设备避震垫、高端HIFI设备电影净化器、高端HIFI设备电源线、喇叭线、信号线、Maniz 8电源处理器等。
Ansuz Acoustics官方网站上的品牌介绍:
Ansuz Acoustics presents the first of a series of exciting high-end accessory products for HIFI equipment. We focus on the details of what we do, the products must not only be aesthetic, beautifully designed and present themselves well. Power, quality and yield are the primary when we test and develop the accessories that will make your HIFI experience extraordinary and special.