“音乐卫士”AudioSolutions品牌是由音响工程师Gediminas Gaidelis创立。该品牌的研发设计和生产制造都是在立陶宛首都维尔纽斯完成。多年的艰苦钻研缔造了AudioSolutions品牌,不仅在领域内实现了完美的声音效果,而且具有实际开创性的理念。AudioSolutions目前有数十款音箱,外观和尺寸各有特色的。最早推出的是Euphony系列和Rhapsody系列。Euphony是典型的高保真系列,Rhapsody系列则专注于高端领域。这些优良的音箱的研发过程就是把电子和设计以及生产最好地结合起来,这不能不说是一种挑战,尽管还不足以臻于完美。只有当设计师把自己的情感和设计理念融合在音箱里面,真正的奇迹就会发生。
The whole story started in winter 2003. We felt very curious about sound reproduction, especially about loudspeakers. We constructed our first system and it became clear that speaker construction involves art and science combined. Our research in designing good speakers lasted almost 8 years. By this time we tried many different enclosure designs, drivers, filter designs and lot more. These 8 years of research were worth it. Today we know how to create very natural sounding and good looking speakers. First impresion in constructing speakers became our motto: "the Art and Science of Speakers Engineering".
AudioSolutions was founded in summer 2011. AudioSolutions is registered company with the Companies' Register of Lithuania as Individual Activity No. (4.65)-332-2694. The AudioSolutions registered office address is Kovo 11-osios g. 47-92, LT-27122, Vilnius, Lithuania.