Atoll, 环礁一种环形的珊瑚岛或珊瑚链,接近或完全围绕于浅泻湖。 ――译释 牛津简明字典第十版本“我们选择了Atoll作为我们产品的品牌名称是因为我们要描绘出温暖、清澈透明的大海景象”法国Atoll电子公司的创始人之一Stephane Dubreuil解释说。
Dubreuil兄弟是在1997年当他们都是二十几岁时创办Atoll公司的。兄长Stephane, 任职总经理兼工程设计;其弟Emmanuel是公司的行政主管和经销经理。在创办Atoll公司以前Stephane被法国三角牌音箱公司聘请为三角牌功放机的设计师,当时和Cairn的老板、设计师Gilles是同事,任期两年,在两年后和Gilles合作创办生产Cairn品牌的音响器材公司,在两年后自己回家乡和他兄弟Emmanuel一起创办Atoll公司。
Stephane曾解释说当初他们看好并不昂贵的音响产品的需求市场,因为法国其他的制造商、他们最直接的竞争者YBA, Cairn, Lauardin都没有迎合这个市场。也许Dubreuil兄弟是从法国酿酒商那里学来的热情:酿造有较高名誉的酒当然好,但酿造大众每天都愿意购买享用的酒,数量会高出很多。
如果法国成为全国性的制造Hi-fi产品的国度时,可能会是因为设计和生产Hi-fi产品与酿酒的工艺流程一样的缘故吧,酿酒,你可以与一些红葡萄酒混合,或加入一些其他的原料,或混和许多在向阳处生长的葡萄和庇荫处生长的葡萄……酿酒,您品尝,Hi-fi, 您聆听。
Atoll公司在坚持Hi-fi立体声系统的开发的同时也开发AV多声道系统而且获得了在欧洲为数不多的由Dolby Laboratories实验室颁发的5 ch Dolby Digital Consumer Decoder和Dobly Pro Logic II证书。 Atoll公司坚持主要通过法国本土和英国及美国的杂志做推广,将物美价廉的Atoll音响器材产品推向世界各地热爱音乐的平民大众。
来自法国的ATOLL(珊瑚礁)是一个年轻的音响品牌,这家公司的正式名称是ATOLL ELECTRONIQUE,可见是以生产电子类音响产品为主,包括CD播放机、调谐器、合并式功放、前后级功放以及AV前级处理器、多声道后级等等。公司于1997年由Stéphane & Emmanuel DUBREUIL两兄弟创办,其创办哲学是要为众多预算有限的音响爱好者提供高标准、高性能且售价合理的Hi-End产品。
ATOLL is an accessible high-end audio electronics brand handmade in France with the highest standards of quality and perfectionism.
Our goal is to allow a very large audience to listen to high performance, high definition true “high-end” audio sound at reasonable prices and to enjoy ultrarealistic high fidelity music with presence, depth, and a dynamic sound stage.
To achieve this goal, ATOLL offers a product line with an unbeatable and incomparable musicality/price ratio.
Therefore, we have made specific choices, such as simultaneous measuring and testing for each new product being developed by our R&D team.
Another key choice ATOLL made is not to alter whatsoever the sound quality in any way. That is why we have no “BASS” nor “TREBLE” meters on our amplifiers, since those adjustments have many disadvantages : the frequency and phase responses become non-linear, additional “coloration” and artificial or parasite “noises” are added, which take a toll on sound clearness and transparency and hamper the whole system’s dynamics.
Using the Bass or the Treble to correct imbalances from the loudspeakers or from the room the listener is same as correcting a problem by another problem, which destroys the integrity and unity of the high-fidelity system.
Historique Atoll
The ATOLL ELECTRONIQUE Company was founded in September 1997 by 2 brothers: Stéphane & Emmanuel DUBREUIL. Right from the start the philosophy was to address a lack in the market: no reasonably priced true high-end audio electronics for budget-conscious audiophiles.
The initial product range was based on integrated pre-main amplifiers and power amplifiers:
IN50 ? IN80- PR100 ? AM50 ? AM80
Those products are still available today but have been regularly improved over time in order to reach perfection (and to finally arrived today with the SE series).
After a promising take-off in sales during the summer of 1998, very good press reviews in France and throughout Europe, and an expanding network of satisfied distributors and resellers, a new model was launched: the AM100 Power Amplifier.
Then, by the end of 1998, the first CD players went into production, with the full range available from the beginning: C50- CD80 ? CD100.
By the end of 1999, the range of amplifiers extended to 3 Channel units destined to the Home Cinema world, with 3 models available: AV50 ? AV80 ? AV100.
End of 2000, our current best-sellers also come to the market: the IN100 integrated Pre-Main Amplifier and the high -end PR200 Pre-Amplifier (suitable for the AM100 power amplifier). All our models are available in both Black or Silver finish, with their own universal remote control.
Because of the successful expansion of the company, a new manufacturing plant is built and the company starts production in those amazing facilities in October 2001, with a completely reorganized production process allowing for even better quality in manufacturing and in test and control.
The new plant building becomes an icon in the Normandy region of France thanks to its innovative and architecturally sophisticated design, similar to our audio units, with our famous “ATOLL” logo in front of it.
In the Fall of 2004, ATOLL launches its long-awaited (about 3 years) Audio- Video DSP processor Pre-Amplifier, the PR5.1. This product not only gives the Best to Home cinema lovers (DTS, Dolby Pro-Logic II, etc…), but is essentially built first of all as an audio unit, on the same basis as our top Pre-amplifier PR200 in order to allow for exactly the same level of audio performance as our 100% audio units. ATOLL was then the first Audio brand in France getting licenced from DTS? and DOLBY?.
In order to propose always more hi-end restitution and provide our brand lovers upper class products, we lauch in 2005 the best sellers IN200, PR300 & AM200 and the CD200. Immediat success was given to those machines which performances gives opportunity to setup a real Hi-end system at an affordable price.
Following years (2007 & 2008) were concentrate on re-thinking previous products (manufacturing and quality sound) by changing to MK3 CD players versions, and to SE series (IN50-80-100 and PR100-200).
Then the Hi-end line was completed by a DVD player (DVD200) and a CD-SACD player (SACD200) which design and audio performances are the Atoll’s flag of quality.
End of 2008, marks a big step in the extension of the product line with the arrival of the IN30. Innovative product that thanks to its fully French manufacturing ranks among the first audiophile market products of high fidelity. Widely recognized by the critics (best buy, Diapason d'Or) and consumers, it is a showcase of our know-how. The IN30 was followed a few months later by the CD30 drive.
With the expansion of the downloaded music, we have endeavored to develop a product able to establish a perfect link between the digital files and a Hifi System. The converter DAC100 (released late 2009) meets all requirements, both technical and practical and really affordable.
Years 2010 and 2011 marks our entry into the world of the very upper range with the launch of the “Gamme 400” Integrated IN400 and CD player CD400
ATOLL ELECTRONIQUE now sells its products all over the world in Europe, the Americas and Asia, including Japan. We address the needs of the most demanding audiophiles and sound performance lovers, while giving them a clean, neat and beautiful European design that will be enhancing their interior homes.
Our passion is stronger then ever, and we pursue perfection and satisfaction day by day for the sheer pleasure of our customers.