爱诗特浓 Estelon

HiFi秀 | 2016-1-29

Estelon(爱诗特浓)由爱沙尼亚人Alfred Vassikov创立,旗下目前有XA、XB与XC三款制品,前两者为落地式喇叭,后者则为书架式设计。共同特点是全数采用Accuton陶瓷振膜单体,内部配线用Kubala-Sosna,箱体则是含有大理石材质的复合材料,有腰身的圆弧曲线造型像是典雅的花瓶,外观十分细致高雅。

对大多数中国音响迷而言,爱沙尼亚是一个陌生的国度,这个面向波罗地海的欧洲小国,面积比台湾大一些,但是人口却只有一百三十多万,1991年才脱离苏联宣布独立,直到近年Estelon在Hi End音响界迅速窜起,许多音响迷才注意到这个东欧小国。

但或许你有所不知,爱沙尼亚其实早已不是我们想象中的落后保守的东欧铁幕国家。近年它的经济发展在欧盟国家中一直名列前茅,甚至被世界银行列为高收入国家,信息科技业尤其发达,甚至被视为是美国硅谷的延伸。今年五月才被微软以85亿美元天价买下的Skype网络通讯软件,就是由三个爱沙尼亚人所开发,目前Skype的研发总部也依然位于爱沙尼亚首都塔林。事实上,Skype爱沙尼亚总部的总经理,就是Estelon的幕后投资者之一。简而言之,这个东欧小国现在已经是电子新贵与全球资金聚集的焦点。知道了这个背景之后,相信你就能了解,为何爱沙尼亚会与象征奢华精品的Hi End顶级音响产业产生关连。

虽然如此,Estelon的技术基础其实早在爱沙尼亚经济起飞之前就已打下。Estelon的设计者Alfred Vassilkov投入喇叭研发超过25年,堪称欧洲音响界的大师级人物,只是以往一直位居幕后,帮无数知名Hi End品牌开发喇叭,尤其擅长设计分音线路。直到几年前他在材料科学方面得到了突破性的技术,才终于决定在2006年创立自己的喇叭品牌Estelon,将自己多年研究喇叭的丰富经验化为实际产品。

Estelon(爱诗特浓)由爱沙尼亚人Alfred Vassikov创立,旗下目前有XA、XB与XC三款制品,前两者为落地式喇叭,后者则为书架式设计。共同特点是全数采用Accuton陶瓷振膜单体,内部配线用Kubala-Sosna,箱体则是含有大理石材质的复合材料,有腰身的圆弧曲线造型像是典雅的花瓶,外观十分细致高雅。

台湾音乐及音响名家蔡克信医师在聆赏Estelon XA喇叭之后惊为天人、赞不绝口,亲自为Estelon取下「爱诗特浓」之中文名称(蔡医师表示:来自爱沙尼亚的Estelon喇叭令人惊艳,它的发声「如诗歌咏,声底情浓」聆之如醉如痴、不忍卒离,故命名为音义相符的「爱诗特浓」)。




Estelon is a global high-end speaker brand in pursuit of a dream to achieve complete aesthetic and acoustic perfection through the fusing of high art and cutting edge science.

Exquisite craftsmanship and sonic innovation seamlessly blend to form a handmade line of products that offer unrivaled acoustic and aesthetic bliss. At the heart of Estelon speakers is the lifetime of passion, constant curiosity of technological challenges and 30 years of experience in speaker design of the company founder and the lead engineer, Alfred Vassilkov.

Nature is the leading source of inspiration for Estelon ? particularly the harmony in which every part of nature works perfectly in sync and in unison. This can be observed visually through the changing of seasons or even simply by listening to the sounds when you take a walk through a forest. For Alfred this pure synergy is what an engineer strives for in his instruments. Every single detail is carefully considered, selected and tested in all stages of the production process.

Each decision from engineering to materials used in the

manufacturing process is made with the perfect harmony of the speakers as a whole in mind. The design and production process is comparable to building an exquisite and complex musical instrument.

Estelon works closely with partners in the field of component manufacturing. This enables the lead designer, Alfred, to challenge the technological problems during the engineering process, enabling him to raise the quality bar in the high-end speaker market.

The goals being achieved by the company redefine the very concept of high-end speakers as we know them today. The detailed sonic space being constructed key by key in front of the listener, the unique aesthetic sculptural design and the deep emotional impact the speakers have on the audience, have made the world acknowledge Estelon as the leading innovator in the market of high-end speakers today.


  • - 成立时间:2006
  • - 所属国家:爱沙尼亚
  • - 创 始 人:AlfredVassilkov
  • - 官 网:
  • - 地 址:Alfred&PartnersOü,Tanuma126Tallinn13521Estonia
  • - 电 话:00372-661-0614,00372-661-0624
  • - 邮 件:info@estelon.com,sales@estelon.com
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