Accustic Arts隶属著名零件制造厂SAE(Schunk Audio Enginnening Gmblt & Co.KG),成立于一九九六年。起初公司以设制录音室专用鉴听喇叭为己任(厂内拥有自己的录音室),而Accustic Arts这个品牌是在次年(一九九七年)才正式诞生(算起来也有十年光景),专门从事生产家用HiFi。不过,别以为厂方推出Accustic Arts这品牌准备仓促,实际上其研发期已经超过了五年光景。
目前,Accustic Arts的厂址位于Lauffen这个市镇(离名城斯图加特不远),并与保时捷、Bosch、Zeiss Benz厂为邻。而在慕尼黑也有其办公室。必须说明的是,Accustic Arts是由『ACCUrate acouSTIC ARTS』演变而来,意即『正确传导声音的艺术』。
Accustic Arts采一条龙设计方案,旗下产品含放大器、数码体系喇叭、线材及电源产品。
Accustic Arts的主事者是两位兄弟,为兄者Martin Schunk是主要设计师,他能用传统的方式制图,是真正机械方面的专才。为弟者Steffen Schunk负责营销,也是一名录音师,其作品以流行舞曲为主,自然而然,Steffen的出品,不论是录音或是鉴听都是在厂内进行,说Accustic Arts是『音乐工厂』绝对名正言顺。
而在这对年轻的兄弟俩的背后,是在财力上和精神上无限支持的父亲(本身也是工程师),换言之,Accustic Arts为家族生意。
ACCUSTIC ARTS来自德国,这家公司成立于1996年,算是音响界的新生力量,而他们的目标就是要致力于发展极品Hi-End音响器材。要做就做最好的,在这一点上ACCUSTIC ARTS体现了典型的德国公司风格。
坚持德国手工制造的ACCUSTIC ARTS,其实是accurate acoustic arts的缩写,不仅是公司的取名,就连旗下产品风格都十分有德国味,ACCUSTIC ARTS贯彻了包浩斯的现代主义美学,也就是「Form Follows Function」的概念,强调设计始于人性,以简约的线条与实用功能相结合,力求真实声音的呈现。
ACCUSTIC ARTS官方网站上的品牌介绍:
High-End hand made in Germany
Precision is our major fabrication guideline at ACCUSTIC ARTS?. audio products. All our products are manufactured in Germany. Every component passes through elaborate tests, and an individual product test can last up to two weeks, before the component is deemed good enough to be dispatched. The goal for any ACCUSTIC ARTS? product development is not only a no-holds-barred approach to quality, but also to provide an optimized price-value ratio.
We use experience, derived from work in recording studios and the use of P.A. systems at other recording venues when developing new ACCUSTIC ARTS? products. “Absolute Sound Fidelity Through Reproduction” is both the name and the goal at the same time. ACCUSTIC ARTS? stands for ACCURATEACOUSTIC ARTS, which means “the correct art of sound”. To meet this demand, only precise and high-grade components as well as latest technologies and construction principles are being used.
High end from ACCUSTIC ARTS? is expected to sound natural and detailed, it must not sugarcoat music, but has to allow emotion to shine through. Warmth is a desirable result in the sound pattern, but won’t be tolerated as artificial showmanship.
ACCUSTIC ARTS, the High-End product line of SAE - SCHUNK AUDIO ENGINEERING GmbH & Co. KG, was introduced for the first time in 1997, following five years of development, co-operation with external developers and audio experts. Countless tests and listening sessions, material and component checks have shaped the products. The roots of ACCUSTIC ARTS? go back to 1990, when interest in music production, recording and sound playback was born in the Schunk household. The backbone of ACCUSTIC ARTS? is provided by a typical German Mittelstand family business. Senior partner Fritz Schunk ran the Fritz Schunk GmbH for over 30 years. It was a world leader in industrial robotics and industrial handling. Customers included Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz and Porsche.
In 1997 Fritz Schunk was looking for a new direction, and sold the Fritz Schunk GmbH. Together with his sons, Martin and Steffen he launched SAE - SCHUNK AUDIO ENGINEERING GmbH & Co. KG to focus on his big passion - music. His years in the high tech industry allowed him to use his production know how and detailed understanding. Fritz Schunk still remains the ultimate decision maker at SAE GmbH & Co. KG, he oversees the areas buying, financing, investments as well as quality control.
Martin Schunk, mechanical engineer, is responsible for development and production of ACCUSTIC ARTS High-End equipment. At the age of 15 he started to develop his own loudspeakers. His passion and long lasting experience can be found again in today’s ACCUSTIC ARTS? range. In collaboration with external and internal audio engineers his areas of expertise are technical engineering and R&D.
Steffen Schunk holds a degree in technical business administration and is a professional music producer. At SAE GmbH& Co. KG, Steffen is responsible for the commercial area as well as marketing and distribution - ACCUSTIC ARTS? products are now available in over 40 countries. Since 1990 Steffen has been working as professional producer for international record companies. Along with a number of sound engineers Steffen launched Evolve Studios in 1995, today the professional music production and recording business area of SAE GmbH & Co. KG. These priceless experiences had an important impact on the development of the ACCUSTIC ARTS? high-end range. The idea was to take the reproduction as close as possible to what could be heard in the original studio. The first development were near field monitors for recording studios and control rooms, the most sensitive room a loudspeaker can possibly be used in. In 2009 the areas of high end manufacturer and music production were combined to launch a new audiophile label called ACCUSTIC ARTS AUDIOPHILE RECORDINGS (AAAR). AAAR is made up of Steffen Schunk, Milan Sajé (sound engineer) and Rasmus Muttscheller (A&R). All three have been active in the international music business for years and together are responsible for the selection of tracks and artists that are to be released by AAAR.
The synergies coming from both music production/media publishing and ACCUSTIC ARTS? manufacture can be seen in all products and allow for the implementation of music reproduction on the highest level. The success can be seen in the rising global demand year by year for ACCUSTIC ARTS? products, handmade in Germany.